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Boxed In: ‘Why Lyme Disease Might Offer Clues to What’s Happening With COVID-19 Long-Haulers’

In season 2, episode 3 of Boxed In: COVID-19 and Your Mental Health, Editor in Chief Maureen Connolly speaks with Brian Fallon, MD, the director of the Center for Neuroinflammatory Disorders and Biobehavioral Medicine and director of the Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University in New York City. A leading expert in illness anxiety and somatoform disorders, Dr. Fallon is currently leading a national study to examine how yoga and meditation might play a role in treating heightened anxiety around COVID-19. The study is currently enrolling, and you can find registration details at ProofPilot.com.

Read highlights from this episode here: https://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/boxed-in-season-2-episode-3-why-lyme-disease-might-offer-clues-to-covid-long-haulers/

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