home Latest Professional Supplement Review – Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Professional Supplement Review – Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

National Nutrition Professional Supplement Reviews with Leading Health Expert Karlene Karst.

Karlene gives us a 3-minute professional supplement review on CLA, an Essential Fatty Acid that has been found to help enhance the immune system, decrease body fat and improve muscle tone Sit down, rest a little and learn about something that may be right for you.

To learn more about CLA and how to supplement with it, click here: https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/articles/supplements/cla/

CLA is an essential fatty acid. This means that CLA must be taken in through the diet because the body has no ability to produce it through the conversion of other fatty substances. Changes in commercial animal raising practices have drastically decreased the amount of CLA that is available in milk and meat products. CLA is responsible for moving dietary fats into cells. It also moves glucose (sugar) into cells so that it can be used to make energy, rather than being stored as fat…

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